During HITEC 2024, Simone Puorto sat down with Dave Collier, Chief Revenue Manager at Lighthouse, to discuss the company's recent rebranding, their focus on data and business intelligence, and the transformative potential of AI in the hospitality industry. This interview is part of our HITEC 2024 series, highlighting key insights from industry leaders.

Introduction and Company Overview

Dave Collier introduces himself and Lighthouse, the recently rebranded company formerly known as Insight. He explains that Lighthouse offers a suite of data insight and business intelligence products designed to help hoteliers with their commercial strategies. This includes data on flight and hotel searches, rate parity, and a range of business intelligence tools. Lighthouse works with approximately 65,000 hotels globally, aiming to continue its growth.

Observations from HITEC 2024

Collier shares his observations from HITEC 2024, noting that while many of the same vendors and challenges are present, AI is a significant buzzword this year. He highlights the creativity and energy at the conference, comparing the current AI trend to the internet boom of the 90s.

AI and Data Utilization in Hospitality

Puorto and Collier discuss the parallels between the internet's impact in the 90s and the current potential of AI in hospitality. Collier emphasizes that while the collection of data has become easier, the challenge lies in effectively utilizing this data. He mentions that much of the data hotels collect remains "dark data," unused and unanalyzed. AI can help manage and segment this data to enhance guest experiences, create new products, and improve operational efficiency.

Competitive Advantage through Data

Collier believes that possessing and effectively using large volumes of data provides a competitive advantage. He discusses the importance of not just gathering data but actively using it to solve future problems and create efficiencies. By working closely with customers and anticipating their future needs, Lighthouse aims to leverage AI to provide actionable insights and solutions.

Future Use Cases of AI in Hospitality

The conversation touches on potential future applications of AI, from freeing up time for hotel staff by automating note-taking and summaries to developing complex pricing models and packaging options for hotel rooms. Collier sees a wide range of use cases and believes the industry is only beginning to explore the possibilities.


The interview concludes with Collier expressing optimism about the future of AI in hospitality. He underscores the importance of combining various data sets to surface valuable insights and help the industry evolve. Puorto thanks Collier for his time and insights, marking the end of a thought-provoking discussion on the future of data and AI in hospitality.

This interview is part of our HITEC 2024 series, showcasing the latest thought leadership in the hospitality sector.


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