At HITEC 2024, Simone Puorto interviewed Klaus Kohlmayr, Chief Evangelist and Development Officer at IDeaS. They delved into the evolving landscape of revenue management, the shift to cloud-based solutions, and the transformative role of AI in the hospitality industry. This interview is part of our HITEC 2024 series, providing insights from top industry leaders.

Introduction and Company Overview

Klaus Kohlmayr introduces himself as the Chief Evangelist and Development Officer at IDeaS, a leading provider of revenue management systems for the hotel industry. He is responsible for the company's strategy, tech partnerships, and innovation lab.

Observations at HITEC 2024

Kohlmayr notes the significant presence of AI at the conference, highlighting its buzz and the infancy of its practical applications in the industry. He emphasizes the accelerated shift to cloud-based solutions, enabling better data aggregation and new capabilities for the hospitality sector.

Impact of Cloud Adoption

Kohlmayr and Puorto discuss how moving to the cloud is changing the narrative around tech silos. Kohlmayr points out the increased number of partnerships in the travel tech world, made easier and more cost-effective by cloud integration. He cites IDeaS' recent partnerships with Cloudbeds, AWS, and Oracle as examples of this trend.

The Role of Data in AI

Kohlmayr underscores the importance of data in powering AI models, highlighting IDeaS' capability to make 17 billion decisions daily. He emphasizes the need for accurate, clean, and trustworthy data to drive meaningful insights and decisions, noting that access to such data is now foundational for the industry.

Future of Interaction with Technology

Kohlmayr envisions a future where interaction with technology becomes more conversational and intuitive. He predicts that AI will become the new user interface (UI), enabling more natural and efficient ways to access and use data. This shift will allow industry professionals to obtain specific answers and insights without wading through numerous reports.

Human and AI Collaboration

The concept of "human in the loop" is discussed, where AI and human intelligence interact to make better decisions. Kohlmayr explains that AI can handle routine tasks and surface critical information, while humans provide oversight and fine-tune the system based on contextual knowledge.

Predictions for Next Year

Looking ahead to HITEC 2025, Kohlmayr expects continued discussions around AI, data, and integrations. He anticipates seeing more concrete examples of AI applications and new capabilities in hospitality technology. Kohlmayr also believes that established companies with deep integrations and partnerships will have an advantage over new entrants due to their extensive data and trusted connections.


Klaus Kohlmayr’s insights highlight the transformative potential of AI and cloud-based solutions in the hospitality industry. By leveraging data and fostering partnerships, companies like IDeaS are well-positioned to drive innovation and enhance revenue management. This interview is part of Hospitality Net's HITEC 2024 series, showcasing thought leadership in the hospitality sector.


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