As we begin to close the first chapter of the new year, the increase in cyber-brute activity continues to wreak havoc for all IT heroes in Hospitality technology.

The rising revolt against these cyber-brutes is still far from a collective effort, but as the cyber fiends continue their disruption, they are waking a sleeping giant, the rise of cyber awareness in the hospitality industry.

The human element for several years has been seen as the weakest link in a chain filled with several technology stacks. The latest and greatest in technology cannot secure our communities on its own, so security professionals focused on creating the human firewall as the call to arms was brought to individuals.

As the saying goes, cybersecurity begins with you in our industry, and IT heroes in hospitality realize they need the human element to keep cyber-brutes at bay. The once-a-year security awareness training in the grand ballroom is no longer effective, and we need more engagement from individuals.

The reality is that we need to arm our hotel communities with more effective cyber awareness tailored to their roles in their departments that benefit their work and home life.

Gamification of the traditional security campaign is a good start, newsletters, fun posters, challenges, and training in small cyber bytes over long pointless and failing awareness campaigns.

The hospitality IT heroes that make the most significant impact are the ones that make it fun and enjoy creating engaging activities to beef up that human firewall.

We are all interconnected, and that trend continues to grow, so we need this cyber rising to awake all users in the digital space because if you are online, guess what? You are a target.
It's not just organizations and businesses being attacked. It's anyone that connects to cyberspace, and that is where we need to arm ourselves with cyber awareness, and then we need to do our civic duty and share that awareness and warn friends, family, and co-workers to help create a cyber-safe community.

As we move past the first chapter in 2022, arm yourself this year and increase your Cyber IQ by absorbing small byte size cyber news daily and then share, share, and share!

Jonathan Morales