I started my career in hospitality selling software with the thought that I would eventually move to something else. But a comment someone made to me at HITEC proved to be true… once you enter the hospitality space, you will never want to leave. That has certainly come to pass for me. Having now spent a decade in this industry, I deeply value the opportunities I've had to share technology with hoteliers across the globe. I am continually amazed by how rewarding my job is: unfolding new possibilities before an opera tor's eyes, giving them tools to run their business more efficiently, and improving the guest experience on all levels.

While hospitality technology is my passion, a pre-pandemic snapshot of our industry proves that adoption was on the slower side. Some would argue that we were not as slow as the medical or airline industry, yet we are historically not early adopters. Serving guests is the heart of our industry, and there are risks with automating processes that could potentially disrupt the seamless guest experience we have worked so hard to establish.

Yet, something is on the horizon. I am seeing an evolution of hospitality like I've never seen before, and it seems it is here to stay. Our industry has been uncharacteristically receptive to new development and technology since the onset of the pandemic. Suddenly, we have no choice but to welcome these new technologies with open arms as we usher in a new era of contactless check-in and socially distanced guest s ervice. For the first time, I am hearing colleagues express the desire to communicate with their guests in a more sophisticated way that goes beyond in-person service.

We are seeing the need for automated solutions to support staff in a way we never have before. Sure, there are frustrations and risks to this, and that's not to be taken lightly. But there are also many operational gains to be found as we embrace the era of automated guest service.

Now lies the question, how do we marry excellent guest service and seamless operations with the sudden demand for automation and technology in the hotel space?

Enter integrated business operations.

Integrated business operations is a fancy term that essentially means software that can do more than just one thing. We must start looking to invest our dollars in a solution that handles everything from booking and contactless check-in, seamless guest communication all the way to business intelligence t ools that track the guest experience. Sounds like a dream? It's not. These solutions are here, and technology companies are pouring millions of dollars into making them work for you like never before. If your current system is not delivering this level of functionality for you, it's time to cast vision towards change.

What should you be looking for if you haven't adopted an integrated solution already? Your system should give guests options to personalize and take control of their experience with online reservations, mobile check-in and check-out, self-service kiosks, communication through a guest portal, and support for online and mobile payments. The more convenient self-service options you can provide, the greater your guest satisfaction will be.

My partners at RMS have done just this. They have reimagined a hospitality solution that fits the current non-negotiable needs of our industry. They are agile, smart and looking to partner with their clients in this ever-changing landscape. With a 40% year-over-year increase in travel demand, they recognize the need to innovate quickly and have done so seamlessly. Their clients are greatly benefiting from integrated solution features like an online portal, allowing their guests to control their stay through online booking, contactless check-in and pre and post-stay guest communication that keeps the relationship personal yet digital. All of this while still managing their cutting-edge approach to booking software and providing a training-friendly solution.

So, what's next? Talk to your staff. Find out what challenges they are facing in this new era. Start asking your vendors the right questions. What automated options are they coming out with? How quickly can they deliver? Consider new solutions on the market. Be open to the agility of a product that can do more than take a reservation and check a guest in. And most of all, stay engaged. Stay engaged in what's going on in and around our industry.

Guests are demanding us to adapt to this new expectation - and this expectation is here to stay.