In view of International Women’s Day, the 2024 Women in Leadership (WIL) initiative at EHL Hospitality Business School hosted their second edition of the WIL conference to an audience of over 100 people. WIL was a resounding success, celebrated for its energy and mutual learning of participating attendees. This unique gathering saw women of different generations unite at EHL Lausanne Campus, where aspiring EHL female students and industry executives and leaders from the hospitality industry (members of the HotellerieSuisse) engaged in deep dialogue, sharing wisdom and forging bonds. We have compiled five key insights from this unique women’s event.

1. Start with kindness to yourself

A thought that echoed throughout the WIL session was the importance of starting with kindness to oneself. Kindness is not merely a one-time act but a way of life, a habit we cultivate to uplift our spirits amidst life's tumult. It is about showing ourselves the same kindness we so freely give to others. The first step is to change the conversation with ourselves and realize that owning up to our flaws does not make us weaker but more genuine and resilient. We create a culture of self-acceptance and love when we embrace kindness as a fundamental value and pave the way for authentic growth and empowerment.

2. Embrace endless possibilities

In the professional world, the sky is our limit. The journey to become a woman in a leadership role may seem daunting. Yet, it is essential to acknowledge that everything is possible. A key asset in your toolkit is leveraging all types of experiences. Harness the power of lived experiences and use them to grow as individuals and leaders. Each challenge we face is an opportunity to learn and evolve. Embrace the challenge, trust the process, and remember that every step forward is closer to your goal, no matter how uncertain it might seem at the present time.

3. Choose, and see choice as power

Recognizing the transforming power associated with embracing choice is another insight that struck a deep chord at WIL. In a world of distractions and conflicting priorities, we must recognize that our decisions affect every aspect of our lives. It is about being mindful and thoughtful in navigating the various paths available to us. By being selective about what draws us in and avoiding negative influences, we take control of our lives, moving towards a future filled with hope, optimism, and countless opportunities. We craft narratives of strength and purpose through our decisions, transcending limitations and embracing our full potential.

4. Dismiss the label

Labels (gender norms) are here, there, everywhere, and are both a challenge and an opportunity. Approach these norms with a sense of humor and acknowledge their presence while not allowing them to define our capabilities as women leaders. At WIL, the label that follows gender quotas was a topic of discrepancy between students who viewed it as a threat and executives who viewed it as an opportunity. Ultimately, it is less important how you landed in that leadership role (through quotas or a promotion). Focus on delivering results and this will erase all skepticism on how you got there. Instead of fixating on quotas, prioritize excellence and your contributions will speak louder than any labels.

5. Trust your squad

Ask your “squad” (network) for help. We are not alone in the web of struggles and triumphs. Our squad - our circle of friends, family, and mentors - stands as our secret weapon, constantly providing guidance, knowledge, and unfailing support. Showing vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but humanity. By reaching out and leaning on our female squad, we tap into a reservoir of collective strength, realizing that it takes a community to uplift and empower one another. Together, we forge bonds that extend beyond limitations, celebrating each other's victories and lifting each other through moments of doubt and uncertainty, fostering a network of resilience and friendship that enriches our personal and professional lives.

READ MORE: International Women's Day 2024: Embracing opportunities

Uniting for Change

To conclude, the second edition of WIL was a testament to unity and empowerment. Women from different backgrounds came together to share insights, challenge norms, and inspire each other. From embracing kindness towards us to strengthening our support networks, this unique event highlighted the importance of women championing women. By embracing choice, dismissing labels, and trusting our squad, we pave the way for a future, where women lead with confidence and purpose.

EHL Hospitality Business School
Communications Department
+41 21 785 1354

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