Webinar: The Road Out - unlocking the potential of the hotel sector
HVS, EP Hospitality and Bird & Bird are delighted to be hosting a lockdown seminar for the Hotel sector on Wednesday 10 June 2020 at 10am BST.
We hope you can join us as the Industry works together to share knowledge and ideas as we find the road to successfully exit this difficult period.
We will be joined by a number of leading figures as guest speakers and panelists covering essential issues concerning F&B, finance & investment, and post lockdown reopening strategies for the hotel sector. We do see opportunities for the sector as well as threats and we aim to explore both.
Full programme details will be available shortly. In the meantime, please RSVP above and add the date to your calendar.
Dial in details to join the webinar will be sent to all registered participants a few days in advance.
We look forward to the pleasure of your company.
For more information please contact Ellie Verrall
+44 (0)20 7415 6033