Reservations Sales QUEST – 2025 Edition!
If you are looking to get more direct bookings in 2025, join in as Doug shares highlights from KTN's 2025 edition of our Reservations Sales QUEST training program that has helped hundreds of hotels, luxury vacation home rental agencies and resorts increase call conversion. Because he is out every month training frontline reservations teams, and with KTN's Reservations Coaches regularly listening in to cloud-based recordings of real-world callers, Doug is always up to date on the latest trends. Each year he personally updates QUEST, which is KTN's foundational reservations course. Register your team to gain exposure to easy-to-use tactics and relatable, real-world examples of sample dialogue they can use immediately. This webcast covers:
- The important role of today's reservations sales specialists.
- The interplay of voice and online channels. Why do they still call and email us?
- Doing "The Basics" EXTREMELY well.
- Using Investigative, "Conversation Starting" QUESTions, including updated versions of traditional probing questions.
- Storifying Selling: Using "snappy taglines" to narrate the pictures they've no doubt already seen online.
- Join us for our next webcast in January 2025, entitled Reservations Agents: How To Overcome Objections and Close More Sales, during which Doug will share highlights from the rest of Reservations QUEST 2025!
For more information please contact Doug Kennedy