Feb. 1, 2010 in New York City. (Thos Robinson/Getty Images) — Photo by HSMAI
“I've been in this business for 45 years, and I've loved every day of it,” said Sol Kerzner, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Kerzner International Holdings Limited, during his acceptance speech of HSMAI's annual Albert E. Koehl Award for advertising and marketing at the HSMAI 2010 Adrian Awards Gala. “It makes the world spin around.” (Thos Robinson/Getty Images) — Photo by HSMAI
HSMAI recognized the winners of the 2009 Top 25 Extraoridinary Minds in Sales & Marketing on-stage at the 2010 HSMAI Adrian Awards Gala. Prior to the gala, the Top 25 recipients gathered for a reception co-hosted by Expedia Media Solutions (Thos Robinson/Getty Images) — Photo by HSMAI
TripAdvisor’s Travelers' Choice Best Hotel Brand Award was presented to Ritz-Carlton at the 2010 HSMAI Adrian Awards Gala. Ritz-Carlton lifetime achievement award honoree Vivian Deuschl accepted the award along with Ritz-Carlton President Simon Cooper. — Photo by HSMAI

The Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) presented the winners of its 53rd annual Adrian Awards at the New York Marriott Marquis on Monday night. The Adrian Awards honor the top companies and individuals in hospitality, travel and tourism advertising, public relations and web marketing. The evening also featured specialty awards from DEPARTURES Magazine, Google, TRAVELCLICK, and TripAdvisor.

“This year’s Adrian Awards was a night filled with undeniable talent and innovation,” said Robert A. Gilbert, CHME, CHA, president and CEO of HSMAI. “HSMAI is proud of the 2009 winners for their creativity and immense skill.”

USA TODAY reporter Barbara De Lollis opened the Gala and gave the audience insight into her move from print to digital media through her “Hotel Check-In” blog. “Today, online is where so many travelers go for their information,” said De Lollis. “It’s immediate, it’s interactive and it’s lightening fast.”

The 2010 Adrian Awards received nearly 1,100 entries from around the globe. The prestigious Platinum winners were judged to be the most extraordinary entrants from a selection of 123 Gold winners. Chosen from the Platinum winners, the highest distinction of Best of Show for the divisions of advertising, public relations and web marketing went to:

Advertising “Best of Show”
The San Diego Zoo and their agency M&C Saatchi for their entry that spread the message of conservation of the world’s animals. The campaign launched the Zoo’s new exhibit by telling the story of Phil and Harry, a pair of computer-generated mammoths living the good life in Southern California circa 12,000 B.C.

Public Relations “Best of Show”
Tourism Queensland and their agency Cummins Nitro for the “Best Job in the World” campaign that generated 34,000 candidate applications from 197 countries vying for the position of Island Caretaker, along with worldwide media coverage.

Web Marketing “Best of Show”
“Life of a Brown Paper Bag” video by the Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau. The destination took one of its most treasured holiday traditions and added compelling content and humor to create an original holiday greeting video that was shared extensively and generated a tremendous ROI.


  • Company (Agency)
  • Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (R&R Partners)
  • Lindblad Expeditions
  • Maine Office of Tourism (Swardlick Marketing Group)
  • Marriott International (McGarry Bowen)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism (Target Marketing)
  • San Diego Zoo (M&C Saatchi)


  • Company (Agency)
  • Elite Island Resorts (Pomerantz PR)
  • Fontainebleau Miami Beach (Weber Shandwick)
  • Hotel Sax Chicago (Zapwater Communications, Inc.)
  • Moroccan National Tourist Office (Spring, O’Brien)
  • Omni Hotels (Weber Shandwick)
  • Pennsylvania Tourism Office (Tierney)
  • Tourism Queensland (Cummins Nitro)
  • VisitScotland (Laura Davidson Public Relations)


  • Company (Agency)
  • Albuquerque Convention & Visitors Bureau
  • Dolce Hotels and Resorts
  • Morgans Hotel Group (ZAAZ)
  • The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism (Weber Shandwick and phearcreative)
  • Tourism Queensland (Cummins Nitro)
  • Howard Johnson (Berlin Cameron)

HSMAI Adrian Awards Gold Award winners were honored throughout the Gala and displayed during the Gold Award Gallery Reception, presented with partner Expedia Media Solutions, prior to the Gala.

In addition to its Adrian Awards, HSMAI recognized the Top 25 Extraordinary Minds in Sales and Marketing and presented two individuals with the top honor of Lifetime Achievement. The awards recognized the recipients for their significant contributions and lasting impressions on the hospitality and travel industry.

HSMAI's annual Albert E. Koehl Award for advertising and marketing was awarded to Sol Kerzner, Founder, Chairman & CEO, Kerzner International Holdings Limited. The Winthrop W. Grice Award for public relations excellence was bestowed upon Vivian A. Deuschl, Corporate Vice President, Public Relations, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company.

“So many of you here tonight have contributed to my career and I am incredibly grateful,” said Deuschl in accepting her award.

“I've been in this business for 45 years, and I've loved every day of it,” said Kerzner during his acceptance speech. “It makes the world spin around.”

A new addition to the Adrian Awards line-up was TripAdvisor’s Travelers' Choice Best Hotels and Brand Awards. Their top brand award went to Ritz-Carlton.

The DEPARTURES Magazine Luxury Marketing Achievement Award was presented to Abercrombie & Kent Residence Club and ISM.

TRAVELCLICK paid tribute to the best integrated eMarketing program in the hotel industry with the eMarketer of the Year award, presented to Joie de Vivre Hospitality.

Google’s Wisdom of the Crowds Award, which recognizes an integrated marketing campaign that today's travelers and HSMAI members choose as the best in its class, went to the San Diego Zoo.

Founded in 1957, the Adrian Awards embraces every segment of the industry, including hotels, airlines, cruise lines, car rental companies, destinations, credit card companies and more. Winners are selected from a field of 1,100 entries by senior industry and media experts. For more information, visit .


The Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) is committed to growing business for hotels and their partners and is the industry's leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. The association provides hotel professionals and their partners with tools, insights, and expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimize revenue through programs such as the Marketing Strategy Conference, Adrian Awards, Sales Leader Forum, and HSMAI ROC. Founded in 1927, HSMAI is a membership organization comprising more than 5,000 members worldwide, with 40 chapters in the Americas Region. Connect with HSMAI at hsmai.org.

Rachel Rosenberg
+1 404-832-7711