
Hospitality Net has created a curated list of the most read How to articles to help you navigate the coronavirus disruption.

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1. Covid-19: How The Hospitality Industry Can Find A Way Through — By Gareth Ogden

The hospitality industry has been one of the sectors most badly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Across the UK, all pubs, bars and restaurants have had to close their doors and shut up shop, in order to abide by the unprecedented measures ordered by the Government.

2. How is coronavirus impacting hotel booking lead times? — By Rob Funnell

Despite the global increase in nationwide lockdowns and inbound travel restrictions, some demand for hotel rooms still remains. And while there is no sugar-coating the fact that hotels in almost every country have suffered a steep drop in occupancy due to COVID-19, it is crucial that hotels keep focusing on the pockets of opportunity that present themselves.

3. How To Plan Travel While Social Distancing

Traveling for leisure is on the back burner for the time being, but it doesn't mean you can't use the down time to start brainstorming and planning your next trips. In fact, savvy planners can score some good deals and give themselves something to look forward to without taking on a lot of risk. Here's what I suggest:

4. How To Protect Your Business From The Coronavirus Epidemic — By Yelyzaveta Horbenko

The hospitality industry is particularly affected by the coronavirus epidemic. The number of reservations is rapidly going down, some hotels are forced by law to close temporarily. However, some positive prognosis says that this situation is temporary and will last several weeks, as far as all measures have been taken.

5. Latest Industry Survey Shows How North American Destination Organizations Are Impacted by the Escalating Effects of COVID-19

MMGY Travel Intelligence, in partnership with Destinations International Foundation, has released the inaugural findings from a benchmark series of bi-weekly surveys of North American destination professionals. The surveys track how this sector has been affected by COVID-19 and what shifts organizations are making during a period of very fluid change. Preliminary findings reveal that, in the span of about two weeks, the reverberations of the pandemic dramatically changed the sector's outlook, operations and marketing spending.

6. How is lock down in Middle America? College Station, Texas — By Peter Tarlow

In 1985 the great Colombian noble prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez published his world-famous book: "El amor en los tiempos del cólera". Spanish speakers immediately caught the title's irony, lost in English translation. We can understand the title in four different ways. We can read it as: "Love in a time of rage" or "Love in a time of cholera", or "Love in raging weather" or even as "Love in a season filled with illness".

7. Here's How Uber's CEO Sees a Coronavirus Recovery Playing Out

rguably, no company has its finger on the pulse of the global economy like Uber (NYSE:UBER) does. The ridesharing giant operates in most of the world, and its business ferrying passengers to places like work, back home after a night out, or to the airport is highly correlated with the health of the global economy.

8. How Travel Brands Are Approaching TV Advertising Now

While some travel sectors such as airlines have virtually eliminated U.S. national TV advertising because of the coronavirus pandemic, there are some companies that are outliers in that they quickly pivoted their spots, or keep running the routine ads at the risk of brand damage.

9. Flexibility With Accountability - How to transition quickly and seamlessly to working from home — By Anne Bleeker

As vital Covid-19 measures, including social distancing to #FlattenTheCurve, have been introduced around the world, millions of employees (and students) will work from home for the time being.

10. How to Lead a Team During Periods of Crisis and Uncertainty — By Prince A. Sanders

There's always a given amount of uncertainty leaders have to deal with on any given day, month, or year. However, these levels of uncertainty are being pushed higher than ever due to the impacts of our current health crisis. During times of stress, we tend to look to our leaders for guidance and reassurance. So, if you're leading a group of people, here's what you can do to help your team members navigate through this time of uncertainty.

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