
Hospitality Net has created a curated list of the most read How to articles to help you navigate the coronavirus disruption.

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1. How can restaurants & bars survive COVID-19 pandemic? — By Heleri Rande Food & Beverage

We are in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the travel and hospitality sector. Public health organisations and governments may advise us on how to deal with the disease here and now, but there are many unanswered questions as to how to deal with the fallout.

2. How to navigate coronavirus disruption in travel — By Gino Engels

The coronavirus is an ongoing tragedy for those worst affected, and everyone's focus should be on containing it. However, it's also wreaking havoc on the global travel industry, and it's sensible to look for ways to navigate the crisis and mitigate some of the negative commercial impact in the year ahead.

3. Hotels in crisis can still win: How to adjust strategies without jeopardizing your future — By Alisa Voitika

The rise of Chinese travel in the last two decades means that the proportion of travelers affected by the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has surpassed the 2003 SARS health crisis. But the hospitality industry has been through crises before - and proved that hotels that made smart strategic decisions can come out winners in the long-term.

4. How Hoteliers Can Get Over the Coronavirus — By David Eisen

COVID-19 is putting an end to 11 years of unprecedented growth in the hotel industry. There is no sugarcoating it: the coronavirus has induced panic across the globe, throwing markets into chaos, postponing conferences, stamping out travel and emptying drugstore shelves.

5. How To Make The Most Of A Coronavirus Situation — By Xenia zu Hohenlohe

Mark Carney, the Bank of England's outgoing governor announced on Tuesday: "We have to work out how to bridge this period. We don't want viable firms to go out of business because of the necessary steps that have to be taken to protect the British public."

6. Train Your Reservations And Sales Team To Show Compassion For Cancellations — By Doug Kennedy

As a hotel sales trainer, it seems very odd to be writing a train-the-trainer article about how to manage cancellations, yet this is absolutely necessary as the lodging industry has been turned upside down temporarily.

7. How to Play in the Rain, Not Just Survive the Storm — By Gregg Hopkins

One of the best pieces of business advice I ever received in my professional career came from my Dad. He told me "son, the key to long term success is not knowing how to survive the storm but learning how to play in the rain".

8. Events Canceled Due to Coronavirus? Here's How to Replace Lost Business — By Daniel E. Craig

This week, the travel industry is reeling after the cancellation of ITB Berlin and various other events due to COVID-19. Whether this is just a blip on the radar or the start of a prolonged downturn, we don't have the luxury of waiting to find out. We need to regroup and re-strategize now.

9. Coronavirus Can Live On Surfaces For Hours Or Days: Here's How To Sanitize Your Hotel Room

Your hotel room is your home away from home, with a few exceptions: the hundreds or even thousands of strangers from every corner of the world who have slept there. And the hotel staff may not have the same standards of cleanliness that you do at home.

10. The Coronavirus Effect: Latest Trends And How To Respond

The growing international coronavirus health crisis is dramatically affecting consumer travel around the world, and global travel brands are feeling the impact most directly. As travel cancellations mount and travel to certain regions becomes more severely affected, travel brands should monitor the situation and smartly adjust their marketing spends to maximize their effectiveness during this unique event.

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