Hoteza is proud to announce improvements coming to our guest journey apps as the result of a successful capstone research project conducted together with students from the NYU School of Professional Studies Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality (NYU SPS Tisch Center). With the ongoing aspiration to maintain a high standard for product performance, Hoteza aimed to get a fresh perspective on the two most recent products, Hoteza Web App and Check-In and asking the regular question: what could we do to make them perform even better?

Given the ongoing collaboration between the NYU SPS Tisch Center’s HI Hub Experiential Learning Lab (HI Hub Lab) and Hoteza, Hoteza invited Tisch Center graduate students to evaluate Hoteza’s products, provide their opinion and suggestions for improvements. The approach felt like a good choice and the reason for it was that we appreciate the exploration of grey areas of existing products and see valuable insight coming from it as a chance to improve our apps, especially considering the feedback that someone unrelated to the project development can offer. The next step involved starting a student-led research of the two selected solutions under the guidance of professor John Moser, and with the support of Hoteza product managers. In the following weeks, the students worked hard on collecting information about Hoteza Guest App and Check-In solutions, going through the user experience from a point of view a guest would have while using the solution during their travels.

Both students and Hoteza were happy to see that the research has produced an exhaustive list of user experience notes and the independent perspective helped create a clear list of features and steps that deserved additional attention that would make space for improvements and more usage flexibility for the guests. The process yielded some great results, particularly in the form of innovative and practical ideas proposed by the chosen students: the experience accumulated from this research was useful as it gave us a chance to speak to young, up-and-coming business professionals with an understanding of both the business process, hospitality industry and their own personal experience as travelers. The unique viewpoint and collaboration allowed the Tisch Center students to have a positive impact on the digital transformation of the hospitality industry early in their education and for Hoteza brought forth valuable conclusions that aligned with the long-term goals Hoteza had for both products.

The impacts of this project are highly positive, as the collaboration proved itself to be valuable, insightful and over time some of the ideas are going to translate into Hoteza Web App and Check-In. Moreover, the joint project established an exceptional benchmark for Hoteza’s upcoming collaborations of this nature, and we are happy to provide an opportunity to hospitality students to shape the future of industry with us. Hoteza’s team extends special thanks to professor John Moser, and NYU Tisch Center students Sabrina Smeke, Yihan Wang, and Claire Forest for their collaboration.

About the NYU SPS Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality

The NYU School of Professional Studies Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality, now celebrating close to 30 years of academic excellence, is a leading center for the study of hospitality, travel, and tourism. Founded in 1995, the Tisch Center was established in response to the growing need for hospitality and tourism undergraduate and graduate education. Its cutting-edge curricula attract bright, motivated students who seek to become leaders in their fields.For more information about the NYU SPS Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality, visit
