With the sophistication and adoption of analytics growing tremendously, there’s a massive opportunity to

evaluate your own analytical capabilities – both as part of an organization or as an individual – and map out how analytics can move you from being reactive to proactive and predictive in revenue management, says Paul van Meerendonk, Director of Advisory Services, IDeaS Revenue Solutions.

About IDeaS

IDeaS, a SAS company, is the world's leading revenue management software and services provider. Combining industry knowledge with innovative data analytics technology, IDeaS creates sophisticated yet simple ways to empower revenue leaders with precise, automated recommendations they can trust. With 35 years of expertise serving hospitality, including hotel, event, and parking clients, IDeaS delivers revenue science to more than 30,000 properties in 164 countries around the world. Results delivered. Revenue transformed. Discover greater profitability at IDeaS.com.