Marketing for Generation Alpha: How to Position Your Hotel Brand in the Metaverse? — Photo by Travel Singularity

As technology continues to advance, the hospitality industry is faced with the challenge of adapting to the preferences of the younger, tech-savvy Generation Alpha. With the rise of the Metaverse, hospitality brands have a unique opportunity to connect with this demographic and offer them the experiences they crave. In this article, we will discuss the viewpoints of marketing, hospitality, and Metaverse experts to help you position your hotel brand effectively in the digital world.

It's not just the medium but the message you put behind it. Adam Mogelonsky

A Virgin Territory

With the Metaverse, it's not just the medium but the message you put behind it. Establishing a presence in the Metaverse sends the message that your brand is forward-thinking and is engineering its products to fit the mindset of Gen Y+Z+Alpha. However, it is not just the medium but also the message you put behind it. Brands must commit to continually upgrading technology and appealing to these younger generations' unique demands and social values. For example, younger travelers care immensely about the environment and climate change, and hotels can use the Metaverse to showcase their efforts to facilitate eco-friendly travel, reduce food miles+waste, and advocate for their neighborhood partners, promoting authentic local experiences and new wellness offerings.

Hotels are in the business of selling escapism. Eli Strzelecka

Digitally fluent customers are incredibly savvy and can sniff out half-measures. You have to commit not only to continually upgrading the technology but also to appeasing the unique demands and social values of these generations. Ever heard of "Matrix Teens?" They value the virtual equally as the real thing. By blending physical and digital elements in a phygital experience, hotels can offer customers the best of both worlds

Gen Alpha is looking for "experiences," not just "things". Michael Cohen

Selling Escapism

Hotels are in the business of selling escapism, and the Metaverse provides the perfect playground to imagine experiences that transport people outside of their daily lives and into a different world. Hotels have a huge role to play in improving people's lives and inspiring them in the physical world, and that same role can be played in the Metaverse.

It is up to brands to take advantage of this opportunity and reach the future generation of travelers. Sergio Schemeil

Accommodation providers and destinations can also use the Metaverse for advertising, immersive i-commerce experiences, and B2A marketing. Leveraging avatars as native advertising and advertising on gaming platforms like Roblox can help hotels reach their target audience without investing heavily in building their twins. In addition, In-game or in-Metaverse virtual billboards can be created to promote products and services, especially in virtual worlds where users are already engaged.

Ever heard of "Matrix Teens?" They value the virtual equally as the real thing. Julius Yls

It's all About Engagement

Marketing to Generation Alpha digital natives is focused on engagement first and loyalty second. This massive and lucrative emerging cohort of consumers is looking for "experiences," not just "things," and they make buying decisions in seconds.

Soon-to-be paying guests are not paying attention to the traditional advertisement channels used in hospitality. Alex Ratto

Web3, blockchain, immersive AR/VR, and Metaverse digital solutions are the new must-have marketing and engagement tools to leverage and fully incorporate into overall marketing toolkits for travel and hotel brands and destinations looking to capture market share and drive growth. Immersive and shareable (viral?) pre-experience marketing activations via AR and VR drive home the "why" to select a hotel, destination, or hospitality experience.

By blending physical and digital elements in a phygital experience, hotels can offer customers the best of both worlds. Edoardo Maria Bisignani

Additionally, the seamless ability to enable digital native guests to impactfully share their post-hotel or travel destination experiences and build loyal communities via Metaverse brand hubs is crucial to their buying decisions.

Web3 offers more focused data than Web2. Matej Curda

Loyalty 3.0

Creating cost-effective immersive digital experiences within popular Metaverse platforms, leveraging the more extensive user base and existing infrastructure, can help hotels attract and retain this demographic's attention and provide a competitive advantage in the long run. First, hotels must provide unique and engaging experiences for their guests. This includes leveraging new technologies, such as AR/VR and NFTs, to create immersive and interactive experiences that transport guests to different worlds and provide a glimpse of what a stay at the hotel might be like. Hotels should also focus on delivering value-adding ancillary services, such as wellness offerings and eco-friendly travel options, which are essential for Generation Alpha. Hotels can also consider offering loyalty programs that allow guests to collect points, which they can use to attend special events inside the hotel. By offering rewards and incentives, hotels can attract and retain the attention of Generation Alpha, who are highly motivated to share their experiences and potentially viral brand/product purchase recommendations with their peers.

As we move into the next decade, Web2 and 3 coexistence will create a transitional phase(Web 2.5), marked by using both Web technologies. Luca Lupattelli

Ultimately, the success of a hotel's metaverse strategy will depend on its ability to create engaging experiences that appeal to Generation Alpha. The hospitality industry is at a crossroads, and hotels that can adapt to the new landscape and embrace innovation and new technologies will be better positioned to capture market share and drive growth. By focusing on unique experiences, value-adding ancillary services, and creative advertising strategies, hotels can position themselves as leaders in the Metaverse and set a new standard for the industry. The goal of hotels in the digital age should bring a touch of magic and uniqueness to the guest experience while staying true to the authentic and unforgettable aspects of the hospitality industry. By embracing new technologies and strategies, hotels can remain relevant and continue to live up to the dreams and aspirations of their customers.

It's not only about marketing; it's about innovating your value proposition. Antonio Picozzi

As we move into the next decade, it is evident that the coexistence of Web 2.0 and Web3 will create a transitional phase, which can be referred to as Web 2.5. This phase will be marked by using both Web 2.0 and Web3 technologies supporting each other, with Web 2.5 being used by Gen Z and Web3 fully adopted by Gen Alpha.

Simone Puorto
Travel Singularity