The modern RM: adaptability, strategic thinking, and proactive decision-making and a bit of a kindergarden teacher — Photo by Infinito

Simple: There is so many descriptions of the data ninja and the discipline of revenue maximi-optimization blabla that i thought I put it to the test.

Some anecdotes and examples / phrases come up more than others hence a little poll which you can find HERE.

— Source: Infinito— Source: Infinito
— Source: Infinito

1. Revenue Manager vs. Last Mile Delivery Driver (My favorite)

  • Similarity: Both roles require precise execution and timely delivery. For a Revenue Manager, this involves delivering optimal pricing strategies and revenue goals within specific timelines, akin to a delivery driver ensuring packages reach their destination on time.
  • Difference: Last Mile Delivery Drivers follow a more structured, routine path, often with clear, repetitive tasks. In contrast, Revenue Managers must constantly adapt to changing market conditions and data, requiring more dynamic decision-making skills.

2. Revenue Manager vs. Captain of a Boat

  • Similarity: Both roles demand strong leadership and navigational skills. Just as a Captain must navigate a boat through various weather conditions and obstacles, a Revenue Manager navigates the complex and fluctuating market conditions of the hospitality industry.
  • Difference: We ask the revenue manager to define the destination. A captain doesn't do that: a captain is given a destination and when they have to abandon and go somewhere else they still have to ask for permission of where to go.

3. Revenue Manager vs. Firefighter

  • Similarity: Both roles involve responding to emergencies and high-pressure situations. Revenue Managers must quickly adapt to market shifts or internal issues, much like firefighters respond to unforeseen emergencies.
  • Difference: Firefighting is primarily a reactive profession, dealing with crises as they arise. In contrast, Revenue Management is more proactive, focusing on forecasting, planning, and preventing revenue loss before it happens.

TIP: If you always have to firefight then you need to change the way you do things.

4. Revenue Manager vs. Racing Driver

  • Similarity: Speed and precision are key in both roles. A Racing Driver must make split-second decisions at high speeds, similar to how a Revenue Manager must rapidly analyze data and market trends to make informed decisions.
  • Difference: Racing Drivers operate in a highly controlled environment with set rules and conditions, whereas Revenue Managers work in a constantly evolving market landscape, requiring them to adapt to a wider range of variables and uncertainties.


and if all things break, think of the RM as a Kindergarden teacher

1. Constantly Dealing with Unpredictability:

  • Just like a Kindergarten Teacher never knows what the day will bring (will it be finger painting or a sudden need for a group nap?), an RM also faces unpredictable market trends. One day it's smooth sailing with bookings, the next, it's a rollercoaster of cancellations and last-minute deals.

2. Herding Cats:

  • A Kindergarten Teacher’s skill in managing a room full of energetic five-year-olds .... an RM does Revenue Meetings 😎 you see the similarities

3. Storytime Experts:

  • Kindergarten Teachers are known for their captivating story-times .... in RM we call it Storytelling and Oh boy do we know some people who can "see things in data others cant see"

4. Art and Crafts:

  • Crafting with glitter and glue is a staple in kindergarten, whereas RMs craft strategies and pricing models. Both require creativity, patience, and the subtle acceptance that things might get a bit messy.

5. Nap Time vs. Coffee Time:

  • For a Kindergarten Teacher, the holy grail is getting the entire class to nap at the same time. For an RM, it's finding that perfect time to grab a coffee between back-to-back meetings and data analysis sessions.


RM ROCKS! whose with me?


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