Revenue Manager: What on earth did you just say to me?!?! — Source: Infinito

Key in communication is 2 ways. we say, they receive, the reply in a way that validates the message that went out. Unfortunately that is not always the case.

Now, we love buzzwords too. So, our beloved RMs tent to say complex sentences, but the question remains....What did the other people in the team actually THINK when hearing those words?

Lets do this:

Competitive Pricing

  • Revenue Manager says: "Competitive Pricing entails analyzing market demand, competitor pricing strategies, and adjusting our rates dynamically to optimize revenue."
  • Marketing Manager: "Great, more price changes. Let's see how many promos we need to rework this time."
  • Sales Manager: "Fantastic, now I have to justify why we're undercutting or overpriced to every client."
  • Finance Manager: "Ah, more fluctuating numbers. Just what my spreadsheets needed!"
  • General Manager: "Perfect, another reason to blame revenue for our bottom line issues."
  • Fabi: "So, it's like changing your dating profile pic every day to get the most matches. Fun, never really sure that it does anything...but for sure exhausting!"

Market Changes

  • Revenue Manager says: "Market Changes demand real-time analysis of economic indicators, competitor behavior, and consumer preferences to adjust our revenue strategies accordingly."
  • Marketing Manager: "Here we go, another reason to overhaul our entire campaign strategy."
  • Sales Manager: "Awesome, now I can expect my targets to change again mid-quarter."
  • Finance Manager: "Lovely, another moving variable in our already complex financial forecasts."
  • General Manager: "Just what I needed, another curveball to juggle. Thanks, market!"
  • Fabi: "Like trying to date someone who bounces between "lets stay friends" to "Friends with benefits" to "love is all around".

Booking Trends

  • Revenue Manager says: "Booking Trends involve analyzing historical data and market dynamics to predict demand patterns and optimize our pricing and inventory distribution."
  • Marketing Manager: "Yay, more historical data to sift through for our next email blast. My 0.5% opening rate is a killer"
  • Sales Manager: "Cool, another round of 'predicting' the unpredictable for my quotas."
  • Finance Manager: "Oh joy, more trends to factor into our volatile revenue projections."
  • General Manager: "Trends, schmrends. Just tell me how this affects our bottom line today."
  • Fabi: "Like trying to predict if the girl i saw in last week's bar will be as there this week"

Repeat Guests

  • Revenue Manager says: "Repeat Guests are a valuable segment, necessitating targeted retention strategies, loyalty programs, and personalized pricing to maximize their lifetime value."
  • Marketing Manager: "Perfect, let's throw in more loyalty points and hope they care. Need to make sure we sign up everyone!"
  • Sales Manager: "Great, now I need to remember names and preferences. Can't wait."
  • Finance Manager: "Oh goodie, long-term value calculations. My favorite."
  • General Manager: "Repeat guests? Sure, if they survive our ever-changing prices."
  • Fabi: "It's like dating your ex over and over again wondering each time why you got back together"

Direct Bookings

  • Revenue Manager says: "Direct Bookings provide greater control over pricing and inventory, enhancing profitability by eliminating third-party commissions."
  • Marketing Manager: "Fantastic, more pressure to push our own channels over OTAs."
  • Sales Manager: "Nice, fewer commission headaches. But, wait, what about my incentives?"
  • Finance Manager: "Finally, some savings on commissions. Let's see how long this lasts."
  • General Manager: "Direct bookings are great, as long as they actually happen."
  • Fabi: "Like getting dolled up to go to the club but ending up watching netflix with pizza on the couch"

Real time "smart" Data Management

  • Revenue Manager says: "Smart Booking Management utilizes advanced algorithms and real-time data to optimize room allocation, pricing, and operational efficiency."
  • Marketing Manager: "Ah, algorithms. Just what I needed to explain our next campaign adjustments."
  • Sales Manager: "Data management, huh? Hope it’s smarter than our last system crash."
  • Finance Manager: "Wonderful, more data-driven decisions without Bottom line impact."
  • General Manager: "Smart booking? We'll see if it’s smarter than the last 'smart' system."
  • Fabi: "Tinder"

Guest Satisfaction

  • Revenue Manager says: "Guest Satisfaction metrics are essential for driving repeat business and positive reviews, directly impacting our revenue streams."
  • Marketing Manager: "Perfect, let's add more smiley surveys to our follow-up emails."
  • Sales Manager: "Happy guests? Great, more reviews to monitor and respond to."
  • Finance Manager: "Guest satisfaction equals repeat business? Sure, let's see the numbers."
  • General Manager: "Satisfied guests are nice, but show me the money!"
  • Fabi: "Making sure your date is happy af so they ask for repeats"

Customer Acquisition Costs

  • Revenue Manager says: "Customer Acquisition Costs involve calculating the total expenses incurred in attracting and converting new guests, focusing on maximizing return on investment."
  • Marketing Manager: "Lovely, more budget justifications for our next campaign."
  • Sales Manager: "Acquisition costs? Screw this."
  • Finance Manager: "Seriously? Can you actually read a P&L?"
  • General Manager: "Acquisition costs what for. Get better customers and we are sweet."
  • Fabi: "Like buying flowers and chocolates for a first date, realising no more money left for dinner!"


  • Revenue Manager says: "Overbooking is a strategic approach to maximize occupancy and revenue, relying on predictive analytics and historical data to balance the risk of accommodating more guests than available inventory."
  • Marketing Manager: "Overbooking means more last-minute promos. Yay."
  • Sales Manager: "Overbooking strategy? Sure, just as long as I don't have to deal with the fallout."
  • Finance Manager: "Predictive analytics for overbooking? Sounds like a recipe for refunds."
  • General Manager: "Overbooking? I hope you have a good plan for the angry guests."
  • Fabi: "Like double-booking a date night. Exciting only with the right people!"

Over to you:

What is your favourite buzzword and how would you explain it to me?


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