If you’re currently looking at applying to college programs in hospitality management, you’ve probably already asked yourself this question: What can I do with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality? There isn’t one single answer. As the student profiles in this article will demonstrate, a hospitality degree can open up a vast range of career paths and opportunities across many different sectors – so many, in fact, that it can be hard to decide exactly what you want to do after you graduate or know how to go about it! Come and listen to our new student profile every two weeks.

Student profiles - All you need to know to start your career

Happily, this podcast is here to help. Want to know how to get into marketing, consulting, innovation, human resources or asset management? Considering taking a master’s degree but not sure whether to do it straight away or work for a while first? Want to know if it’s possible to combine an online master’s with working full time?

For this podcast, we’ve tracked down former EHL students who have been where you are now and want to share their experiences with you. Sit back and listen to these inspiring stories from EHL graduates who have gone on to work and study in varied fields around the world.

SEASON 2 - What can you do with a bachelor’s degree in hospitality?

Our second season of student profiles includes illuminating chats with EHL graduates who went on to work in marketing, innovation and strategy in hospitality and beyond. Discover why it’s not always best to do a master’s straight after your bachelor’s, and how following your hospitality degree with a specialized master’s can be a winning combination.

Consulting and Valuation Analyst at HVS

Put very simply, we value existing hotels and we do feasibility studies for proposed hotels. There's also a little part that is asset management, but it's not most projects. Cassandre Pene


Project Manager at the EHL Institute of Nutrition

We have people from business, from tech, we have a chemist, and we work also with chefs. The idea is to put gastronomy as a driver for innovation. Antonin Soussan


Brand Management at Nestlé

As an intern, I was able to work on such amazing projects. My managers were also super inspiring. I think that's also what made me decide on marketing at that point. Killian Rod


SEASON 1 - the blueprint from hospitality degree to your dream job

In our first season, we chat to EHL graduates who went on to work in corporate finance, entrepreneurship, data analysis, real estate, sustainability and more, via master’s degrees at some of the world’s best institutions, including IE University in Spain, Harvard Business School in the US, INSEAD in France and the University of St Gallen in Switzerland. Hear how an online MBA was the best fit for a Sustainability Manager who wanted to continue working alongside her studies; how one former EHL student followed his passion for Big Data and ended up working for Google; and how a career in real estate investment was boosted by a master’s in Bristol, UK.

Human Resources at Nestlé

If I'm able to change the life of someone in a good way … at work or even outside. I really believe in the power of human resources. Alexandra Marinova


Leadership Coaching at AceUp

I think what is important is to get out of your comfort zone, try new things. You will probably fail, and that's okay, that's part of the journey. Guillaume Foussier


Real Estate at Oxford Properties

What really matters to me is to always keep on learning. I'd say my only wish is that I always learn and discover new things, new concepts, meet new people. Estelle Murer


Tech Entrepreneurship at Antler

I started my company during my first master’s at Esade. I met about 400 people within the first week, and it was quite hard to connect with everyone. Pierre Ben Kiran


Luxury Management at LVMH

oh you studied hospitality, what does that have to do with luxury?

everything Valentine Lunel


Entrepreneurship at Manawa

You can work on a lot of projects at the same time. You can do finance, you can do marketing, you can do operations, customer service. I love to work in a 360-degree job. Marie Espié


Product Marketing Manager at Google

I want to be a Monday person, not a Friday person, and continue to work in a team I consider friends. Jonathan Serrano


Corporate Finance at EY

Don't be scared of the time that lies ahead of you because there will be so many doors that open along the way. Jeanne Schlaefli


Asset Management at AccorInvest

when I was benchmarking C-level positions or board members, you'll rarely see anybody that only has a bachelor’s. It was always quite clear for me that an MBA was the way to go. Lucia Montenegro


Sustainability Manager at Villars Alpine Resort

I didn't really know that there were some jobs only about sustainability: my actual focus when I started EHL was hospitality, and I think it still is. I just like the mix of both of them now. Julia Barbey


About EHL Group

EHL Group is the global reference in education, innovation and consulting for the hospitality and service sector.
With expertise dating back to 1893, EHL Group now offers a wide range of leading educational programs from apprenticeships to master's degrees, as well as professional and executive education, on three campuses in Switzerland and Singapore. EHL Group also offers consulting and certification services to companies and learning centers around the world. True to its values and committed to building a sustainable world, EHL Group's purpose is to provide education, services and working environments that are people-centered and open to the world. www.ehlgroup.com

EHL Hospitality Business School
Communications Department
+41 21 785 1354

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