Source: TrustYou

The new edition of TrustYou’s Review Insights Report reveals key findings to define the state of the travel industry in 2021 and what can be expected for 2022.

The report highlights the increasing value of online reviews and feedback in a changed travel industry. Globally, the 13.3% increase in review volume from 2021 compared to 2020 emphasizes that the industry is on a steady path to recovery. A key driver of travel was the significant growth in domestic travel that could be witnessed across the globe.

The report also revealed a rise in positive feedback, from 80% in 2019 to 91% in 2021. This shows that the experiences created by the hospitality industry, despite a difficult travel environment, met and surpassed the expectations of recent travelers. The investment in new technology and contactless communication methods assured safe stays in a time of social distancing, allowing hoteliers to provide great guest experiences. As a result, hoteliers were able to serve their guest’s needs immediately, preventing neutral or even negative reviews.

For additional analysis, the relevant insights have been broken down by region for APAC, EMEA, US, and DACH. Since the pandemic hit each area of the world so differently, the separate editions of the report help to provide the best possible overview for each area.

In four chapters, the reports include:

  • An in-depth overview of global and regional travel trends and statistics
  • TrustYou’s positive and negative Impact Scores
  • Spotlights on the development of reviews in general and third-party sources.
  • What mattered most to hoteliers when interacting with guests.

The Review Insights Report is available for free download in the following editions: Global, APAC, EMEA, US and DACH.

About TrustYou

TrustYou's mission is to help make customers happy. Happy customers are loyal, spend more, and talk positively about their experience. To achieve this goal, TrustYou turns insight into impact with three category-leading platforms:

  • The Customer Experience Platform (CXP) helps to improve quality and rankings based on surveys and reviews across the web, respond to all feedback with the help of AI, and actively market your reputation.
  • The Customer Data Platform (CDP) helps to merge customers' footprints into single profiles, understand your audiences, market to them, and measure the success of campaigns and messages.
  • The chatAI platform helps to provide answers faster than humanly possible, ensure personalized recommendations for more bookings, and lower operational costs.

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