9Hotel Collection is a collection of lifestyle boutique hotels in France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal. They focus on refined design and outstanding experiences, with each property boasting a combination of luxury and efficiency powered by smart technology that meets the needs of a modern clientele.

Since moving to Mews, they’ve significantly boosted their RevPAR and occupancy, reaching stellar results across the board. Here’s their success story.

More conversions and 30% higher ADR for direct bookings

For hoteliers, channel managers are still a necessity to reach more customers. But over-rely on OTA bookings and you’ll lose a large amount of revenue through commissions. That’s why every 9Hotel Collection property uses Mews Booking Engine, allowing guests to quickly and easily make reservations directly from their website.

Keeping the user journey simple – a minimal number of clicks – is key to success. Once the guest has selected their room, each property can offer various rates and extras, such as breakfast and early check-in. Guests can even opt to skip housekeeping during their stay, which comes with a double benefit of saving time for the housekeeping team and reducing costs.

Every 9Hotel Collection property is above the 3.3% industry average booking conversion rate. Romain Stern, Head of Sales & Revenue Management, proudly shares that they have a 7.4% booking engine conversion rate for 9Hotel Paquis Geneva and 6.5% for 9Hotel Sablon Brussels. The team is also seeing a 30% higher ADR for booking engine bookings compared to channel manager bookings.

“We have been with Mews for several years and you can see how they’ve helped us to perform consistently well,” said Stern. “Occupancy, revenue, guest satisfaction: it’s all there in the data.”

A hospitality cloud that ensures lasting success

Every hotelier wants a solution that drives major improvements across their KPIs. 9Hotel Collection found what they were looking for in Mews Hospitality Cloud, an agile and powerful solution that has helped them deliver stellar results, such as a 65% increase in occupancy and a 39% increase in RevPAR.

The team carefully selected a platform that ensures lasting success. They enjoy a combination of clean and intuitive dashboards with Mews Operations, as well as streamlined and digital processes powered by Mews Guest Journey. With most hotels connected to around ten hospitality apps, 9Hotel Collection maximizes the ability to connect with hospitality’s best integrations via Mews Marketplace.

Online check-in is beneficial for guests and hotels

“Our guests expect everything to be convenient, from booking to check-in to departure. Mews allows us to meet these expectations while also streamlining our own operations,” continues Stern.

His observations are correct: modern guests are more tech-savvy, and most of them expect a streamlined digital journey with no hiccups.

As a part of Mews Guest Journey, Online Guest Services fully support that vision with features like online check-in and check-out. 24% of guests at 9Hotel Cesàri Rome and 19% at 9Hotel Central Brussels check in online.

To check in online, guests receive a pre-arrival email with a link. This allows them to complete the admin part of their journey whenever it suits them. Upon arrival, guests can get to their room faster and front desk staff can focus on delivering a remarkable experience instead of typing away at their screens.

There is another considerable benefit – guests that check in online tend to be more engaged, with a higher spend. Since switching to Mews, 9Hotel Collection saw a 12% higher ADR for guests who check in online.

Start writing your property’s success story

Feeling inspired by 9Hotel Collection? Their story reveals how a revenue-focused outlook and a creative mindset supported by agile hotel tech can drive impressive results. To help you write your property’s success story, we’ve prepared a treasure trove of best practices and upcoming hospitality trends.

Explore tech trends for city center hotels

Discover how the world's leading business, boutique and hybrid hotels optimize their city center properties using smart hotel tech, and how you can get remarkable results too.

Our guide, Tech Trends for City Center Hotels, will help your property thrive. Itdives into real customer stories of independent and smaller hotel groups, inspiring you with innovative technology, personalized stays and sustainable practices.


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