HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY REPORT: Unlocking guest loyalty and bridging the rebooking gap
Redefining the guest experience in the new era of travel
The cost of living has sky-rocketed in the UK, with 92% of households reporting a rise in their living costs.
When times are tough, leisure and discretionary spending often are the first to take a hit. For the UK hospitality industry, that means holidaymakers and travellers taking less frequent trips and breaks, opting for shorter stays, and staying in less expensive accommodation than usual. It also means that UK hotels and resorts must sharpen their abilities to deliver personalised, compelling and relevant experiences for guests as individuals if they expect to make or stay on travellers' short lists and earn their rebooking favour.
In order to gain a deeper understanding of how UK travellers have altered their travel plans to combat the cost-of-living-crisis—and to discern what hotels and resorts should do in response—Agilysys canvassed the opinions of 1,000 UK travellers.
Download a copy of the report and learn how properties can adjust their practices to increase Return on Experience for their guests, encourage repeat bookings, and protect High Return Hospitality value despite cost-of-living headwinds.