Will AI Build the Metaverse? — Photo by Travel Singularity

Generative AI not only can create text, images, videos, and audio, but it can also play a crucial role in constructing the Metaverse through several contributions:

  • Content Generation: Utilizing generative AI algorithms like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs), vast amounts of diverse and realistic content such as 3D models, textures, landscapes, objects, characters, and entire virtual environments can be created for the Metaverse. This enables the rapid development of immersive digital spaces.
  • World Generation: AI models can autonomously generate landscapes, architecture, ecosystems, and other elements by defining rules, parameters, and constraints. This approach allows for infinite variations and dynamic environments that adapt and evolve based on user interactions and preferences.
  • Avatar and Character Creation: Generative AI can assist in creating personalized avatars, generating unique and diverse appearances, behaviors, and personalities for virtual beings. This provides users with a sense of individuality and immersion.
  • Real-time Translation and Communication: Language barriers can impede communication and collaboration within the Metaverse. Generative AI can facilitate real-time translation, enabling seamless communication among users from different linguistic backgrounds.
  • Intelligent Non-playable Characters (NPCs): By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, NPCs can engage in realistic conversations, dynamically respond to user actions, and exhibit intelligent behavior.
  • Virtual Assistant and AI Guide: Generative AI-powered virtual assistants can assist users in navigating the Metaverse by providing information, answering queries, and offering suggestions. These AI assistants enhance user experiences through personalized recommendations, guidance in complex interactions, and facilitating smooth onboarding processes.
  • Content Moderation and Safety: Generative AI can help address content moderation and safety concerns within the Metaverse. AI models can analyze and detect potentially harmful or inappropriate content, ensuring the maintenance of community guidelines and fostering positive interactions.

We asked our Polybius evangelists about their perspectives on the application of AI in the Metaverse. Will AI be the enabler of the next iteration of the Web?


Will AI build the Metaverse? Absolutely. However, to understand our direction, it is best to examine how AAA video games and other cloud-based software tools are currently built. Nowadays, the development of each game requires coordination among global teams of developers and designers, costing hundreds of millions of dollars over several years. Here's a news flash: most already incorporate various forms of AI within their rendering engines, project flows, sales, marketing, and distribution software to achieve cost-effectiveness. In this sense, the Metaverse is a natural extension and evolution of how modern consumer-facing tools and games are built. AI will be deployed wherever possible because it is likely the only feasible approach to construct something of this scale within a reasonable timeline and without high costs.

AI elevates the bottom

AI is accelerating progress in various fields. Repetitive tasks that once required specific skills can now be automated, allowing humans to focus on more creative endeavors. This shift elevates the bottom as creativity becomes the new currency. For example, the ability to create music through text-to-music AI algorithms. Individuals who never had the chance to learn how to sing or make music can now express themselves artistically.

Similarly, those who haven't mastered tools like Blender, Unity, or Solidity can prompt AI systems to unleash their creativity. The Metaverse empowers everyone to transform their 2D digital lives into immersive experiences that reflect their identity and allow self-expression. It's not just about creating worlds for others; it's about enabling individuals to build their worlds cost-effectively.

Will the Metaverse be"hand-made"?

The minority of metaverses may be considered higher value, similar to a meticulously crafted wooden table made by a skilled artisan. However, most metaverses will likely combine AI and human involvement, with hybrid solutions being the norm. AI is poised to be the driving force that unlocks the true potential of the Metaverse. While there may be concerns about AI interfering with human creativity, the opportunities presented by AI are immense in building the Metaverse. Building a unique Metaverse space becomes 100 times easier for users who can express their needs and provide the right prompts. Hosting within the space can be facilitated by AI-powered non-playable characters (NPCs) that guide guests and answer their questions without the user's presence. Safety is also a key aspect enabled by AI, with the potential for biometric verification systems to ensure the authenticity of participants in our Metaverse Ecosystems. With the exponential growth of AI, leveraging it in a safe, equitable, and inclusive manner becomes crucial for constructing a better Metaverse.


Generative AI is revolutionizing the digital landscape of the hotel industry, bringing about a profound transformation. Converting static digital models into immersive and customizable experiences redefines how guests interact with hotels. Imagine a virtual site inspection for an upcoming event, where AI dynamically animates the room, showcasing a variety of settings tailored to guests' preferences, from elegant receptions to interactive conference layouts. This dual-purpose approach invigorates the customer experience and is a valuable asset for hotel operations and sales teams in creating successful events. Beyond visualization, Generative AI excels in personalization. It curates tailored experiences within virtual spaces, presenting guests with amenities and options that deeply resonate with their preferences. The technology's flexibility allows for real-time alterations, such as changing room decors or simulating different lighting, empowering guests to make informed decisions. Integrating Generative AI with immersive technologies represents a paradigm shift, transforming hotels into dynamic, adaptive environments seamlessly bridging the physical and digital realms. The result is an unprecedented enhancement in guest engagement, operational optimization, and innovative revenue streams.

From possibilities to realities

As businesses venture into the Metaverse, AI becomes an indispensable tool, transforming possibilities into realities. With its adaptability, understanding, and learning capabilities, AI enables businesses to deliver personalized experiences, drive innovation, and establish meaningful customer connections. The convergence of AI and the Metaverse presents a limitless potential for businesses, where imagination and intelligence intertwine to shape the future.

The future of our species?

The recent convergence of various technologies is highly exciting. AI, XR, marketing, and advertising no longer operate independently but instead seamlessly. This creates a thrilling atmosphere. Therefore, the question is not whether AI will construct the Metaverse but how AI will reshape our interactions with our digital lives, whether virtual, extended, or otherwise. Undoubtedly, AI will play a significant role. Our species cannot thrive without the assistance of AI, let alone in the Metaverse, and AI has the potential to democratize the Metaverse by eliminating entry barriers and reducing costs for businesses seeking to enter this realm.

Breaking Barriers

Generative AI plays a crucial role in developing immersive and dynamic virtual experiences, breaking barriers and expanding the possibilities within the Metaverse. With its ability to create realistic content, generative AI adds dynamism to the Metaverse. By defining rules and parameters, AI can generate landscapes, architecture, and ecosystems that adapt and evolve based on user interactions. This opens up infinite variations and personalized experiences within the virtual world, surpassing the limitations of traditional experiences. Each individual can embark on a unique journey, making choices that anyone else cannot replicate, resembling the complexities of real life. Moreover, AI acts as a regulator within the Metaverse, bringing people together and moderating online communities. It breaks barriers, such as language barriers, by facilitating communication and understanding. Additionally, AI can serve as a moderator, managing and mitigating harmful and dangerous content, ensuring a safe and positive interactive space for the community. AI's role in building the Metaverse is poised to be incredibly significant, shaping the future of this virtual realm and fostering a diverse, inclusive, and engaging environment.


In summary, the integration of AI in the Metaverse holds great potential for the tourism and hospitality industry, enabling personalized experiences, enhanced customer engagement, and operational optimization. However, ethical considerations, privacy protection, and risk mitigation should guide the development and deployment of AI in the Metaverse. The democratization of content creation, the transformative impact of generative AI, and the role of AI in breaking barriers and fostering a safe and inclusive metaverse are key factors in shaping the future of this digital realm. By embracing AI and its ethical practices, we can co-create a metaverse that reflects our collective vision for an innovative, ethical, and connected future.

Simone Puorto
Travel Singularity