How Agility Will Leverage Your Hotels Digital Transformation Framework in Small Increments
Agile marketing is setting up processes that enable Hotels to create marketing strategies and use tactics that are more responsive to today’s dynamic marketplace.
In digital marketing, ‘agile’ involves identifying opportunities to use new, disruptive technologies and techniques on digital marketing platforms and responding to the use of these.
One of the key components of Agile Marketing is to put in place simple effective plans that respond to change. And this process utilizes frameworks that identify the rapid changes that come as a result of new technology, New Media, and Social Media.
Using digital transformation to tap into new uncontested markets often means that your hotel operating model needs to adapt. An agile business will achieve this by making steady, incremental steps to creating a system that thrives in a new world of marketing.
Digital technology can increase a hotel's speed and effectiveness with which it can generate relevant market intelligence concerning emerging opportunities or changes in the competitive landscape.
To achieve digital agility, hotels need to possess the ability to act smart in small increments and provide fast delivery of digital technology solutions in response to changes in market conditions.
This includes collecting and acting on information about the influence of customers, technology, competitors, employees, the local community, and other environmental forces.
Build Relationships and make friends first
In today’s market hotels need to start working with employees, customers, and the community.
Hotels want to focus on a system that implements technology in small increments. Then look at where improvements are needed to achieve the desired outcomes.
One of the most important aspects of agility is flexibility. Flexibility is an agility capability, among other capabilities such as responsiveness and incremental speed.
And one essential key to agility is to build strong relationships with employees, customers, and the community.
Agile Marketing takes a new approach to manage the Hotels workflow, such as daily lineups, huddles backlogs, and concerns. The system is flexible.
One of the key advantages of this type of strategy is the ability to change gears quickly and effectively based on feedback.
Concerns are identified and resolved early in the process.
With ongoing training and team collaboration on each of the components in your Hotels framework, you empower your team and as result get happier team workers.
And the benefits of agile marketing and happy team players are higher quality work and more productive teams.
When hotels focus on building relationships and making friends first employees will volunteer to help improve the system.
A shift in mindset
The agile team members have a new focus on how to deliver a unique customer performance. It focuses on a culture based on respect, collaboration, improvement and learning cycles, pride in ownership, delivering values, and the ability to adapt to change.
It is a new mindset that leads to cultivating high-performing teams, who in turn deliver amazing value.
And the good news for Hotels is that agile marketing embrace servant leadership that helps the team succeed.
The highest priority of the Hotel team is to satisfy the customers through swift, early, and continuous delivery of alternative solutions that solves a concern.
The key concept of agile marketing plays in teamwork and collaboration. Team members will look for new ways to join their community to do better work more effectively.
It focuses on principles where the data guide their efforts.
When you acknowledge a concern swiftly and respond fast it often changes the customer’s mindset.
Agile marketing requires a cultural shift for Hotels.
We all are now rewriting our strategies based on a new currency — customer experience.
Revenue per human is what hotel marketers need to focus on. And from there create new uncontested markets that your hotel can own and define.
The customer experience will be so deeply entrenched in a hotel’s product, process, and culture that it will be synonymous with the brand and represent the only way to do business.
The good thing is, every hotel has the opportunity to influence how customers feel about their experience and to reap the benefits this brings. All you need to do is make sure yours is one of them.
And the outcome of following the principles of agile marketing is that you end up turning both team members and customers to brand ambassadors.
Digital Transformation Framework Partnership for Hotels
Hotels today have to invest in people and technology in a context that adds value to everyone involved.
Don’t continue to neglect or take the people's transformation for granted. Technology is a digital tool that will help your hotel when implemented in collaboration with your employees.
Partner with your employees and they will help with retaining and hiring people.
I also invite you to work with me as your hotel partner to help implement a new innovative digital transformation framework that opens the digital gateways to more direct bookings without competing with the OTA.
Shoot me an email at: [email protected]
Are Morch is a digital transformation coach helping hotels open their digital front door, reimagine their processes and culture, and transform experiences in a fast-paced world!